September 09, 2010

Let’s Have a Look at Teeth Whitening Gel

Everybody wants whiter teeth. That simple fact alone keeps many cosmetic dentists in business. They no longer work just to keep our teeth and gums healthy – they keep them white as well. And to do this, they have a lot of different tools to work with because lots of techniques have been developed over the years.

But at the heart of every whitening technique and treatment is teeth whitening gel. Everything from simple whitening toothpastes to concentrated laser whitening treatments relies in one way or another on some kind of bleaching gel. And there are many different kinds and concentrations.

To learn more about teeth whitening and teeth whitening gels, please read my Hubpage “A Look at Teeth Whitening Gel.”

You can also find a great selection of teeth whitening products on has everything from whitening strips to whitening pens and more - and they have great shipping options too.


September 02, 2010

Just what is Cubic Zirconia?

Have you ever wondered what cubic zirconia is? You’ve probably heard the term before in relation to jewelry and maybe you think it’s some form of “costume jewelry.” Well, here’s what you need to know.

Cubic zirconia is a man-made crystalline substance. It was first used in the laser field but it later became popular as an affordable replacement for natural gemstones. Today, cubic zirconia can be fashioned to look just like any gemstone – from diamonds to sapphires.

And these gemstones are high-quality constructions. They sparkle and they dazzle just like natural gemstones. The only thing missing is the hefty price tag that comes with natural stones.

Find out more about cubic zirconia and how affordable it can be by reading my article on Hubpages “What is Cubic Zirconia?”

You can also find a lot of great cubic zirconia jewelry on Amazon has CZ jewelry in several different price ranges – and they have great shipping rates too.


August 14, 2010

Carol King and James Taylor – Live at the Troubadour

Back in the 1970’s I was a struggling musician and like so many of my fellow singer/songwriters I idolized and emulated the successful artists of the day. Carol King and James Taylor were two of my favorites.

I never got the chance to see them live at the Troubadour back then even though I went to the Troubadour every chance I got. I saw them in other venues later on but missing their Troubadour performances was a missing piece in my personal music portfolio. Lucky for me they decided to get back together for a tour – and lucky for me the Troubadour is still alive and kicking.

This 15 song set takes you right back to the grand days of the music club scene in Los Angeles in the 70’s. In those days clubs were more intimate and less noisy. And the Troubadour was the perfect place to go to see live performances.

Find out more about Carol King and James Taylor at the Troubadour by reading my article on Hubpages “Carol King and James Taylor - Live at the Troubadour - a Review.”

You can also find a lot of great Carol King and James Taylor music on Amazon has all their CD's – and they have downloads and great shipping rates too.


Beautiful Cubic Zirconia Bracelets

Bracelets are one of the oldest forms of jewelry. In fact, they may be the very oldest. They have been fashioned from just about anything imaginable beginning with simple leather and shells all the way up to the precious metals and gemstones used today.

They’ve been worn for identification purposes and religious purposes, but most often they’ve been worn as objects of fashion or adornment. They’re designed to draw the eye and hold your attention. And the expensive bracelets do that very well.

But with the growing use of cubic zirconia (CZ), bracelets can be both stunning and inexpensive. Literally any bracelet of any design can be made with CZ and look great.

Find out more about cubic zirconia bracelets and how affordable they can be by reading my article on Hubpages “Cubic Zirconia Bracelets.”

You can also find a lot of great cubic zirconia bracelets and other jewelry on Amazon has CZ jewelry in several different price ranges – and they have great shipping rates too.


August 10, 2010

The Useful Pasta Drying Rack

Okay, so you love to cook Italian food, especially pasta. You've even gone so far as to buy yourself a pasta machine so you can make your own pasta any time you want to. Well, you might want to consider adding one accessory to your kitchen that can make your pasta preparations easier. And that's a pasta drying rack.

What use is a pasta drying rack you ask? Good question. It's important to completely dry out your fresh pasta so that it will either cook easily or store easily. You see, damp pasta may clump together when cooked and if it's stored when it's damp, it will spoil.

Find out more about pasta drying racks and how they help you make better pasta by reading my article on Hubpages “The Pasta Drying Rack.”

You can also find a great selection of pasta drying racks on Amazon has wooden and polycarbonate racks in several different price ranges – and they have great shipping rates too.


July 29, 2010

Milkshakes and the Milkshake Machine

A long time ago someone invented the milkshake. It was in the 1850’s and the first ones were hand-made to an eggnog consistency and laced with liquor. During the Prohibition era the milkshake, as we know it today, really came into its own. Drug store soda fountains used Ice cream and electric blenders to create the first frothy masterpieces.

Now today you don’t have to even leave your house to get a great shake. All you need is a little milk, a little ice cream, a little flavoring or two, and a milkshake machine. And with the variety of machines to pick from, you’re sure to find one that will match both your tastes and your kitchen’s décor.

To learn more about milkshakes and milkshake machines, please read my Hubpage “Milkshake Machine – Ice Cream Dream Maker.”

You can also find a lot of great milkshake machines and mixers on Amazon has milkshake machines in several different price ranges – and they have great shipping rates too.


July 18, 2010

Beautiful Cubic Zirconia Necklaces

A necklace can be truly a thing of beauty. It can be made in elaborate patterns and contain some of the most dazzling gemstones imaginable. For those reasons, it can also be one of the most expensive pieces of jewelry one could ever buy.

But there’s a way to own a beautiful necklace at a fraction of the normal cost and that’s with cubic zirconia. Cubic zirconia (also known as “CZ”) is a man-made gemstone that has been used in the jewelry world for years. It’s made to resemble diamonds, rubies, emeralds, etc. And it is both beautiful and affordable.

To learn more about cubic zirconia necklaces, please read my Hubpage “Cubic Zirconia Necklaces.”


July 15, 2010

Personal Anxiety Symptoms

Let’s face it, everyone gets anxious. For most of us it’s an intermittent thing triggered by certain situations – for instance an important business appointment or a first date can easily cause some anxiety. But this type of anxiety is a natural occurrence in our everyday lives and more or less easily dealt with.

But for some people, anxiety is a frequent visitor. One that overshadows and even dominates their day-to-day life. This is not a natural occurrence and you may need help dealing with it.

To learn more about identifying and effectively dealing with your personal anxiety symptoms, please read my Hubpage “What Are your Signs and Symptoms of Anxiety?”

July 10, 2010

What Causes Acne?

Acne breakouts usually start when we’re teenagers but they can continue into our adult years. And just about all acne sufferers have tried several different kinds of treatments. Very few of us have not been touched by acne.

To successfully treat acne, you must first understand what truly causes it and what doesn’t. Acne isn’t caused by chocolate, dirt, stress, or any of a number of other “urban myths.”  It’s actually caused by certain hyper-active glands in our skin.

To learn more about treating acne successfully, please read my Hubpage “Acne Solutions Info.”

Ever Heard of Cubic Zirconia?

Cubic Zirconia is a crystalline substance created in a laboratory. Originally it was developed for work with lasers but in the 1970’s it hit commercial markets as an artificial gemstone. And today it can be found throughout the jewelry world.

Cubic zirconia stones are high quality stones. They can be made to simulate diamonds, emeralds, rubies or any other natural gemstones – at a fraction of the cost. And they look dazzling.

To learn more about cubic zirconia gemstones and jewelry, please read my Hubpage “What is Cubic Zirconia?”

July 09, 2010

The Truth About Home Teeth Whitening

Everybody wants whiter teeth and there are two basic paths to take to get them. One path lies with the dentist who has all the equipment and expertise – but also the expense. The other path lies in doing it yourself which is less expensive but can take longer to produce the kind of results you want.

If you choose to do it yourself and whiten your teeth at home, then you need to understand certain facts that can help you be more successful.

To learn more about how you can whiten your teeth at home successfully, please read my Hubpage “Home Teeth Whitening Info.”

How to Deal with Sensitive Teeth

As we age, our bodies change in many ways. Some of those changes are pretty awesome when we’re young. But by the time we get to those dreaded middle-age years the changes aren’t so kind.

Some of the most prominent changes occur to our teeth and gums. They become more sensitive over time and begin to give us trouble when we’re trying to enjoy a hot or cold beverage. But the good news is that this is one change we can fight.

To learn more about how you can fight back and treat your own sensitive teeth, please read my Hubpage “Toothpaste for Sensitive Teeth.”